MyJennyBook - Me and My Robot

Mud Castle

This is the second project I did for MyJennyBook. The project started in May 2012 and was concluded in that same month. This is another self-insertion story where the child reading it imagines they are building a robot. For this book I gave the artwork a slightly more pixelated look in places. The story starts off letting us know that the protagonist likes to build things like castles out of mud. This inspires the protagonist to build the robot. Me and My Robot is owned by MyJennyBook.


It turns out that the protagonist’s parents decided to get the child something to build. But what could it be? Some assembly required…


The box actually contained a robot kit! After building it, the protagonist and the robot become really good friends. The metal man even assists the protagonist in building even more things!

Robot In Classroom

The protagonist loved the robot and even took it to school to show off to all the other classmates! Upon seeing it they all wanted robots too, so the protagonist and the robot taught them how to make another robot for class. By the way, those are actual robot physics on the blackboard! I just like putting in this level of detail.

Kids Building Stuff

After a short while the class builds a shiny new fembot and she agrees to help the kids and the original robot build all kinds of cool things!